WFA Glossary
Have your notes started looking like the alphabet in different arrangements, yet?
A&O x 3……. Alert and Oriented by: 3. Time 2. Where 1. Who
AMPLE….Allergy, Medication, Past Medical History, Last Ins and Outs, Events
AVPU…....Alert, Verbal, Painful, Unresponsive
Bilateral…......Symmetrical across the body
BSI……Body Substance Isolation
CSMs…….Circulation, Sensation, Movement
Distal….Away from the center of the body
Dyspnea …Number of words able to be spoken between breaths
HR ….. Heart Rate
Hx …….. History
L.O.C ….Level Of Consciousness
M.O.I …..Mechanism Of Injury
Proximal … Towards the center of the body
ROM ….. Range Of Motion
RR….. Respiration Rate
S.C.T.M……. Skin; Color, Temperature, Moisture
Tib/Fib ….. Tibia and Fibula
T.I.L …..Traction In Line
Recommended Resources
To keep your fire fueled...
Appalachia Journal: America’s longest-running journal of Mountaineering & Conservation
Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington
Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales
Southbound by the Barefoot Sisters
Outside Magazine
EMS 2020
The Fine Line —SAR stories from Jackson Hole, WY
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A Dozen More Turns
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What's worth the weight?
Choosing what you keep in your First Aid Kit can be tough and depends on a lot of different factors; how long is your trip? how many people in your group? what terrain and weather are you expecting? what's your mode of transport? any four-legged friends tagging along? What's your budget? What you bring for a day hike vs a 3 day horse-back riding trip differs greatly.
After you ask yourself these questions, you'll have a better starting off point. Having some basic categories helps me remember what to bring. This lets me easily tailer what is in each category to a specific hike's need.
Body Substance Isolation -->gloves, mask, eye protection, etc
Stop That Bleed! --> tourniquet, abd pads, maxi pads, tampons, etc
'tis Only a Fleshwound --> band aids, BZK wipes, tweezers, etc
That is NOT in its assigned seat --> SAM splints, triangle bandages, etc
Let me write that down... --> pencil, write in the rain notebook
Head, Heart, Lung, Gut --> thermometer, Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Diphenhydramine, Immodium, Miralax, Ibuprofen, Sugar, Salt, Electrolytes